Media Spotlight: InStyle

Well-being encompasses the mind, body, and soul. The road to a better you could simply start with TO112 shampoo and conditioner, just ask Marianne Mychaskiw, writer of InStyle article “Can These Sound-Treated Hair Products Really Improve Your Well-Being”. All of our TO112 line is placed in a singing room, vibrating at 528 Hertz, which is the frequency of love. Even if you’re not completely open to the idea of love infused products, rest assured that our products work better than anything you’ve tried before. In the words of Marianne, a skeptic herself, “we’re actually pretty big fans of the clementine ginger-scented shampoo and conditioner”. She celebrates that the combination of tamanu and camellia oil “help tone the skin on your scalp”, and she’s definitely right on that one. So if your hair deserves a bit of extra love, you should give our TO112 dry shampoo and conditioner a shot! Check out Marianne’s article here if you need a little more convincing.